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Negotiate As If You Own the Place

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If you don’t stand up for yourself, who will? Our company recently had a situation where a partner didn’t treat us well. My first instinct? Bite my tongue and let it go. This partner is important to our business. I didn’t know if it was worth a fight. Fortunately, one of my executives felt differently. He saw that we had been wronged. He called the partner out, and he asked them to make it right. They did. And it inspired me to write a little bit about negotiation—a lesson I temporarily forgot:

Eric Crews

Navigate Your People Future with the Role Map

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We rolled out our business framework, the Growth Method, 3 years ago. Since then, one of the most common questions I’ve received is this: Why is it called a Role Map? If you need to get up to speed quickly, the Role Map is our answer to the traditional org chart. It helps you identify the roles your business needs and what each role is accountable for. Then, and only then, do you start plugging people into those roles.

Eric Crews

What Type of Growth Should Your Business Pursue?

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When business owners come to me, it’s usually for one reason: They want to grow. That’s great, because we help companies do that. But before we get down the path of planning world domination, there’s more I need to know. How big do you want to grow? Why?

Eric Crews

Reframing Failure as Getting Closer to a Solution

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It was so common, I thought it was normal. For 30 years, I struggled to breathe. Diagnosed with asthma as a child. There wasn’t a day—not an hour—when I didn’t wheeze. I used to go through Primatene Mist the way most kids go through candy. But I was getting by. And I thought, maybe this is the best I can do.

Crews & co.

Webinar - How to Become a Stellar CEO

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Join Crews & co. for a one-hour webinar on how to maximize your effectiveness as a CEO. You'll learn about a CEO's key responsibilities as well as how to become a stronger leader and manager of your team.

Crews & co.

Teams Use The 3D Framework To Make Better Decisions

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There’s an art to making decisions as a team. Or, at least, there’s a tremendous amount of skill involved. It sounds easy enough. You’ve got a problem, you talk it through, you reach a conclusion. But you, me—we have ALL been part of enough conversations to know that the neat, tidy outcome I outlined isn’t inevitable.

Eric Crews

How to Make Decisions without the Data

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Let’s talk about data. First of all, I love it. I’ve been using scorecards to track business performance since I was 20 years old. I review a robust financial reporting package every month. I've pushed my team to slice and dice our available data a hundred different ways. We know our CAC, our churn rate, our billing by consultant, and many, many other metrics. When you can get data, it helps you make better decisions. What happens when you can’t?

Eric Crews

Why Fear of Bad News Keeps You from Solving Problems

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Something breaks. An employee didn’t show up for work. A client churned out unexpectedly. A machine went belly up and ground production to a halt. When something breaks, you’ve got to figure out why. And it’s honestly that simple. Ask, “Why did this happen?” Then ask it again. And again.

Eric Crews

Crews & co. on Financial Times' 2024 Fastest Growing Companies

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Crews & co. has been awarded on the Financial Times list of America’s Fastest Growing Companies for the second consecutive year.

Crews & co.