When Can We Go Back to Work?
Experts’ Predictions on When Work Could Resume
It’s the question on everyone’s mind. When will we be able to resume business as usual?
(Of course, the way we work has been fundamentally changed by the COVID-19 crisis. We’re learning that business as usual may not ever look quite the same as it did before.)
Some companies have successfully pivoted to remote work or selling online; many have not. No matter how technologically advanced we get, a big segment of our economy will always rely on people going out into the world and physically doing things. And right now most of them can’t even leave their homes.
It (almost) goes without saying that our team is committed to staying at home and socially distancing for as long as it takes to beat this thing. We know you are also doing your part to limit the spread of coronavirus and protect the most vulnerable populations in our community.
But the day is coming--sooner or later--when you’ll be able to get back to work. How do you avoid being caught off-guard when that day arrives?
Planning for the Future Starts Now
A smart business makes decisions driven by data. The problem is that there’s a significant lack of information about the current situation. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by totally different circumstances. Past pandemics occurred in a world that looks very little like the one we live in today. If all you do is watch the news, you won’t get much help running your business.
We tell clients that entrepreneurs must embrace risk and uncertainty--but this is not the kind of risk and uncertainty we mean.
So, here’s what we’ve got to share with you today: three different projections about when the COVID-19 crisis might settle enough that you and your team can resume full-capacity operations.
A few notes:
--We did not prepare any of these projections, so please take them at face value. Use or ignore them as you think appropriate.
--Although this information comes from reliable sources, we cannot speak to the quality of the data, nor the assumptions that have been derived from it.
--The projections all show slightly different outcomes, so aggregate this data however you see fit.
--Experts anticipate some type of COVID-related event in the fall. The extent of such an event is unknown.
It is our hope that this information might in some way help you plan what the next 3-6 months could look like for your company. Of course, you’ll need to be flexible, but modifying a plan is far better than being caught off-guard and having no plan at all. Remember, whenever feasible, it is our goal to help you emerge out of this crisis stronger than when you went into it.
If you need help creating a plan for your business based on these projections, please reach out to us (email eric@crewsconsultinggroup.com). Our EOS® Implementers continue to offer IDS/SWOT sessions for no charge to companies in need.
P.S. We’ve focused heavily on business advice these last few weeks, but your personal health and wellbeing are equally important to us. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself by reviewing these Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine.
For more help navigating the coronavirus outbreak, visit our resource and information center.