Celebrate The Wins In Your Business To See More Of Them

I’ve got news for you.
Your sh*t list isn’t getting any shorter.
On the best day in a growing business, there are 2 dozen things going wrong.
But. I bet there are also a few things going right.
A crucial function of the CEO? Act as Chief Energy Officer.
(A little cheesy? Sure. But that doesn’t make it untrue.)
Honestly…I struggle with this part of the job.
It’s hard to compartmentalize all the things going wrong and focus on the wins. But you MUST focus on the wins.
For three reasons:
#1 - Your problems are never going away. Today’s problems might disappear, but they will be replaced by new ones. It’s a fact of growth. If you’re waiting to be problem-free to celebrate the good stuff, you’ll be waiting forever.
#2 - People like to feel good. That team of people who helped you get where you are? They’ll burn out if they’re always thinking about the hard stuff. It’s perfectly human to want to enjoy victories—even small ones. Give your team permission to do so: lead by example.
#3 - This is your life. If you spend it constantly moving the goalposts, you’ll never give yourself even a moment of satisfaction. When a good thing happens, let it be good. Of course there’s more to achieve. Don’t let that take you away from being happy in the present.
One simple way to start acknowledging your wins: call them out in your weekly leadership meeting. (If you need an agenda for this meeting, reply to this email and we’ll send it to you.)
When you celebrate the wins, you get more of them.
When things look bleakest, find something to celebrate.
Be as genuine as you can.
You are the momentum inside your business.
P.S. If you aren’t finding enough to celebrate lately—reach out to our team for help. Set up a call with one of our consultants.