Why Do Entrepreneurs Avoid Tough Decisions?

There’s something you aren’t deciding.
I guarantee that today, right now, there’s a decision you’re putting off inside your business.
And there’s a good chance it’s a decision that you need to make sooner than later.
The important stuff is the hard stuff.
Hard stuff makes us overcomplicate things. It makes us emotional. It adds confusion when what we need most is clarity.
So, in an effort to bring some clarity to that decision I KNOW you’re ignoring, I’m going to dig into the possible reasons WHY you aren’t making it.
Here’s why you (and me, and everyone else you know) don’t like making certain decisions:
- You’re choosing between bad options. Sometimes, the path forward doesn’t feel good. You’re in a crappy situation, and while you may have choices, none of them are great.
Maybe you’re waiting for that silent “option C” - that stroke of genius that will solve all your problems. I’m sorry to tell you that it isn’t coming. Sometimes the choice is between crap and crap.
- You aren’t ready to face the consequences. A decision requires acknowledgement. You might have to acknowledge that your business model is broken or that a key employee isn’t working out.
The repercussions of that choice will kick in as soon as you make it. So you’re putting off the inevitable because the thought of what comes next is overwhelming. Unfortunately…it is coming.
- You don’t want to cause pain. Many of your most difficult decisions will directly affect your people: your team, your partners, your employees. If you’re a good entrepreneur, you love those people dearly—and you should.
But your first responsibility is to your business. That’s the thing that brought you, your team, your partners, and your customers together in the first place. And being too nice can kill companies.
- You have no idea what you’re doing. The more successful you become, the more likely it is that you’ll have to make decisions you’ve never made before. At a certain point, you’re not equipped to make them (and you know it).
This is not about your competence. It’s about the fact that you’re being asked to do something you’ve never done. And the bigger your company is, the higher the stakes are. That is downright terrifying…it’s also what you get paid for.
So which is it for you? What’s holding you back from making that big decision that’s taking up your bandwidth and making you lose sleep?
Understanding yourself a little better is powerful.
But I won’t lie to you. There’s still a moment where you have to choose. And making that choice is a little bit like jumping off a cliff.
You aren’t sure what’s going to be waiting at the bottom.
I will tell you this: if the choice was easy, you’d already have made it.
It’s not.
That’s why being an entrepreneur is one of the bravest things a person can do.
Hit reply and let me know what you ended up deciding. Or set up time to talk your situation through with one of our consultants.
You’ve got this.